Building Bridges – Australasian 2016 Conference

Jul 7, 2016

The 2016 Australasian AABS conference – Baltic Studies: Building Bridges – will be held at the University of Melbourne on 15 October 2016. Proposals are due by 1 September. Download the call for proposals.

The Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies invites submissions for the upcoming 18th biannual conference on Baltic Studies in Australasia. We welcome papers related to the Baltic region, its countries, and its populations both within those countries and their diasporas.

Contributions are encouraged from disciplines including: anthropology, architecture, business, communication and media, cultural studies, demography, economics, education, environment, ethnic relations, film studies, fine arts, gender studies, geography, history, international relations, law, linguistics, literature, memory, political science, psychology, public health, religion, sociology, and advancing Baltic studies. Interdisciplinary and comparative work is particularly welcome.

Please send proposals (250 words) by 1 September to Delaney Skerrett, Chapter President and Conference Convenor at [email protected]

AABS gratefully acknowledges the sponsorship of the School of Languages and Linguistics of the University of Melbourne.
