
Oliver Aas: Dissertation Grant Report, “Figures of the Arctic in the Anthropocene”

Oliver Aas: Dissertation Grant Report, “Figures of the Arctic in the Anthropocene”

Journal of Baltic Studies 54/2 Now Available Online

Journal of Baltic Studies 54/2 Now Available Online

Palgrave Macmillan awarded Book Publication Subvention for Ukrainian Open Access Translation of “Information Wars in the Baltic States”

Palgrave Macmillan awarded Book Publication Subvention for Ukrainian Open Access Translation of “Information Wars in the Baltic States”

Alexandria Orozco: Dissertation Grant Report on Lived Experience at Plinkaigalis, Lithuania

Alexandria Orozco: Dissertation Grant Report on Lived Experience at Plinkaigalis, Lithuania

Congratulations to James Montgomery Baxenfield, recipient of the 2023–2024 Dissertation Grant for Graduate Students

Congratulations to James Montgomery Baxenfield, recipient of the 2023–2024 Dissertation Grant for Graduate Students

Congratulations to Kevin Axe, recipient of the 2023–2024 Dissertation Grant for Graduate Students

Congratulations to Kevin Axe, recipient of the 2023–2024 Dissertation Grant for Graduate Students

Congratulations to Emma Friedlander, recipient of the 2023–2024 Dissertation Grant for Graduate Students

Congratulations to Emma Friedlander, recipient of the 2023–2024 Dissertation Grant for Graduate Students

Congratulations to Anna Žabicka, recipient of the 2023–2024 Dissertation Grant for Graduate Students

Congratulations to Anna Žabicka, recipient of the 2023–2024 Dissertation Grant for Graduate Students

Congratulations to Stanislav Budnitsky, recipient of the 2023–2024 Research Grant for Emerging Scholars

Congratulations to Stanislav Budnitsky, recipient of the 2023–2024 Research Grant for Emerging Scholars

Congratulations to Harry Merritt, recipient of the 2023–2024 Research Grant for Emerging Scholars

Congratulations to Harry Merritt, recipient of the 2023–2024 Research Grant for Emerging Scholars

Congratulations to Jokubas Salyga, recipient of the 2023–2024 Research Grant for Emerging Scholars

Congratulations to Jokubas Salyga, recipient of the 2023–2024 Research Grant for Emerging Scholars

Congratulations to Irina Nicorici, recipient of the 2023–2024 Research Grant for Emerging Scholars

Congratulations to Irina Nicorici, recipient of the 2023–2024 Research Grant for Emerging Scholars