The Board of Directors of the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies has adopted a change to the organization's membership year, currently running from July 1–June 30, by aligning it with calendar year. As of January 1, 2022, AABS' membership year...
Member News
AASTEEL Awards Translation Prize to Kaija Straumanis
The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Studies presented the 2016 award for Best Translation into English to Kaija Straumanis for High Tide, her translation of Inga Abele’s Latvian novel Paisums (2008). The novel takes place over three...
Member News – Summer 2015
Erick Reis Godliauskas Zen published a book based on his PhD research in which he investigates the forms of organization and the relation among the Lithuanian communities rooted in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. Identidade em Conflito. A imigração lituana na...