Travel grants

The Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies, in collaboration with the 14th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe (September 1–4, 2021, Uppsala, Sweden), invited students and early career scholars who were accepted to present at the CBSE 2021 to apply for travel grants to support their travel to the conference (incl. airfare, lodging, meals, and ground transportation).


*Currently enrolled graduate and undergraduate students;

*Early career scholars who have earned their doctoral degree in 2016 or later. Preference will be given to those who do not have institutional support for travel.

Applicants must be accepted to present at the 14th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe.

The application deadline was May 15, 2021.

2024 Conference Travel Grantees Share Their Stories

The Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies is pleased share stories and experiences from its 2024 travel grant recipients who attended the 29th Biennial Conference on Baltic Studies (June 13-16, 2024, New Haven, Connecticut). AABS awarded a record number of...