Liisi Esse, Ph.D. Associate Curator for Estonian and Baltic Studies, Stanford Libraries 2016-2018 AABS VP for Conferences The 2018 AABS Conference at Stanford University: The 100th Anniversary of Baltic Independence, held on 1–3 June, celebrated two important...
Baltic States
Australasian Chapter’s 19th Conference: 100th Anniversary of Baltic Independence
AABS Australasia Committee: Dr. D. Skerrett (Brisbane), Dr. U. Ozloiņš (Melbourne), Dr. E. Reilly (Geelong) Fifteen delegates and another six attendees – including four delegates from Estonia and India – gathered at the Waterfront Campus of Deakin University, Geelong,...
BALSSI 2018: Eight Great Weeks of Baltic Languages and Culture
Liina-Ly Roos, PhD, Estonian language instructor For the third year in a row, Indiana University Summer Language Workshop hosted the Baltic Summer Language Institute (BALSSI), providing our students with a welcoming and intellectually stimulating community. The 2018...
Art, Artists and 19th c. Colonialism in the Baltic Provinces
Bart Pushaw received a 2018 Dissertation grant to complete archival research for his dissertation in Latvia. He will complete his PhD in Art History at the University of Maryland this spring. My dissertation “The Global Invention of ‘Art’: Race and Visual Sovereignty...
Dissertation grant supports archival research on LGBTQ history in Soviet Baltic
Feruza Aripova is a PhD Candidate in World History at Northeastern University, Center Associate at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University and a Visiting Scholar at the Harriman Institute at Columbia University. My dissertation project,...
The Baltic Question and the Collapse of the Soviet Union
Una Bergmane is a Baltic Sea Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia and a London School of Economics Fellow in Cold War History. She holds a PhD from Sciences Po Paris with highest distinction. Una received a 2018 Emerging Scholar Award to...
THESIS BALTICANA | A Project in Development
Zane Onckule, recipient of 2017 the Jānis Grundmanis Postgraduate Fellowship, has concluded her first year studies at the Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College (she is scheduled to complete a Master of Arts program in Spring 2019). She describes the curatorial...
Three Books Receive AABS Honorable Mentions
Three books received Honorable Mentions for the 2018 AABS Book Prize: Christine Beresniova, Holocaust Education in Lithuania (Lexington Books, 2017) The review committee noted that the book "makes an original, comprehensive and significant contribution to the analysis...
AABS Book Prize awarded to Julija Šukys
The AABS Board is pleased to announce that Julija Šukys has been awarded the 2018 AABS Book Prize for Siberian Exile: Blood, War, and a Granddaughter's Reckoning (University of Nebraska Press, 2017). The review committee noted that "rigorous scholarship with...