Grants & Fellowships

AABS Grants and Fellowships advance the Association’s mission to increase the quality and dissemination of research and other information about Baltic Studies.

AABS Book Publication Subvention

Research Grants for Emerging Scholars

The Aina Birnitis Dissertation-Completion Fellowship in the Humanities for Latvia

Mudīte I. Zīlīte Saltups Fellowships

Jānis Grundmanis Fellowships for Study in the U. S.

Dissertation Grants for Graduate Students

The Baumanis Grant for Creative Projects in Baltic Studies

Academic Events and Projects Grant

Example Reports from AABS Grant and Fellowship Recipients

AABS Book Publication Subvention: Arc Humanities Press and Francis Young, 2021 Recipient

Research Grant for Emerging Scholars: Dainius Genys, 2020 Recipient

Birnitis Fellowship: Kristine Bekere, 2019 Recipient

Saltups Fellowship: Alise Vitola, 2016 Recipient

Grundmanis Fellowship: Krišjānis Mazurs, 2020 Recipient

Dissertation Grant: Laima Vincė, 2021 Recipient

Baumanis Grant: Ugnė Marija Andrijauskaitė, 2020 Recipient

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more coverage of our recipients!