“Old Love Does Not Rust”: An Exploration of the Baltics in Poetry
M. Lee Alexander, William & Mary

People of the Borderlands
Ugnė Marija Andrijauskaitė

More than just Movies: Baltic Language Learning Film Festival
Heidi Erbsen, University of Tartu

Ignas Maldus (Maldžiūnas)

Borderlands: Stories from the Baltics
Sami Siva

Other Grants and Fellowships News
Baumanis Grantee Robert Fleitz Releases “The Silent Voice” Album
2023 AABS Baumanis Grantee Robert Fleitz released his album "The Silent Voice" on November 29. The album, which was supported by Fleitz's Baumanis grant, features Fleitz's performances of seven new compositions by Baltic artists. It is the first solo piano album...
AABS Launches New Events and Projects Grant
The Association for the Advancment of Baltic Studies (AABS) is pleased to announce a new grant starting in the 2025-2026 academic year. The AABS Grant for Academic Events and Projects of up to $5,000 is available for any academic event or scholarly project that...
AABS 2025 Grant and Fellowship Applications Open
Call for Applications AABS 2025-2026 Grants and Fellowships Research Grants for Emerging Scholars The Aina Birnitis Dissertation-Completion Fellowship in the Humanities for Latvia Mudīte I. Zīlīte Saltups Fellowships Jānis Grundmanis Fellowships for...