AABS is pleased to congratulate Harry Merritt for the completion of the Emerging Scholars Grant (awarded 2023) associated with his project researching Latvian military formations and soldiers in the Second World War.
©Harry Merritt, 2024
Harry C. Merritt is a Post-Doctoral Fellow in History and Holocaust Studies at the University of Vermont. He is currently working on a book project that considers the creation, wartime experience, and legacies of Latvian national military units that fought on opposite sides of World War II, in the Soviet Red Army and the German Waffen-SS. Harry’s most recent publication is a chapter in Defining Latvia: Recent Explorations in History, Culture, and Politics (Central European University Press, 2022) and his writing has been published in the Journal of Baltic Studies, REGION, and Nationalities Papers.
The Impact of an Award: Report from Harry Merritt
After the completion of his project, Harry Merritt submitted a reflection to AABS.
We thank him for his permission to publish his thoughts, which have been lightly edited.
Thanks to the support of an AABS Emerging Scholars Grant, I was able complete a research trip to Latvia in support of my book project. I spent several weeks in May and June 2023 at the State Archives of Latvia and at the Latvian War Museum (both located in Riga), where I was able to gather archival documents on Latvian national military formations in World War II and on the soldiers who served in them. These documents remain undigitized and unavailable anywhere else. Materials I found included the following: military records from wartime units of the Waffen-SS Latvian Legion; correspondence, petitions, speeches, and organizational documents from Latvian Legion veterans in the postwar period; and wartime and postwar documents from veterans of the Red Army Latvian Rifle Corps. I also visited the National Library of Latvia to view some rare books and periodicals that are unavailable in North America. It was a very productive trip, with my only setback being Latvia’s 3rd place finish in the Hockey World Championship, which closed the archives for a day as an impromptu national holiday.
Crucially, this research trip enabled me to expand my dissertation research by incorporating new materials on the activities of Latvian veterans from both sides of World War II, which illuminate how veterans adjusted to postwar life, narrated their war experiences, and advocated for themselves politically over time. This research has advanced my book project substantially and has already resulted in a peer-reviewed article receiving initial acceptance in an academic journal. Now I am working toward completing a full manuscript for my book over the next few months. I am deeply grateful to AABS for its generous support of my research, without which I would not have been able to achieve this major progress in my publications.
-Harry Merritt, 2024
Harry Merritt
What is the Emerging Scholars Grant?
The Research Grant for Emerging Scholars is an award for up to $6,000, to be used for travel, duplication, materials, equipment, or other needs as specified. Proposals are evaluated according to the scholarly potential of the applicant and the quality and scholarly importance of the proposed work, especially to the development of Baltic Studies. Applicants must have received PhD no earlier than January 1, 2013. Applicants must be AABS members at the time of application.
The application deadline for academic year 2024-2025 was March 1, 2024. Applications will be evaluated by the AABS 2023–2024 Grants Committee consisting of AABS VP for Professional Development Dr. Kaarel Piirimäe, AABS President Dr. Dovilė Budrytė, and AABS Director-at-Large Dr. Daunis Auers. Award notifications will be made in spring 2024.
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