Vilis Vītols Article Prize
The Vilis Vītols Article Prize is an annual award of $500 presented to the author of the best article in a given year of the Journal of Baltic Studies. The best article is selected by a committee appointed by the AABS board. The committee includes the AABS Vice-President for Publications Diana Mincyte, Director-at-Large Daunis Auers, and Editor-in-Chief of JBS Matthew Kott.
Priority is given to articles that encompass more than one Baltic country and thus expressly represent Baltic studies.
The criteria for evaluating articles are:
- A significant scholarly topic or issue or question of public policy.
- A thesis, a point, a good question.
- Research marshaled to support and explain the theories in question.
- The quality of writing regardless of the age or status of the author.
- Preference to a junior scholar if the quality of the article so merits.
Award notification:
The winners of the Vilis Vītols Article Prize are announced once in every two years, at the AABS conference. The 2022 and 2023 winners will be announced at the 2024 AABS conference at Yale.
Find more information about past winners here, and follow AABS on Facebook and Twitter.
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